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Esther Kinuthia Talk

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Esther Kinuthia is a famous blogger known as Miss Independent or Miss I. Believe it or not, she is also a Strathmore University student. Being a former AIESECer, we invited her to talk to our members and the larger Strathmore community on Friday the 13th of February during our weekly meetings between 2-4 PM.

Esther Kinuthia attended Kianda High school 2007-2010 emerging with a B+ in her KCSE. In 2011, she joined Alliance Françoise Nairobi and later becoming the President of Les Francophone de Strathmore and currently she is a student at Strathmore University pursuing her undergraduate in Bachelors of Commerce majoring in Marketing and minoring in Business Administration. Founder and CEO of her own pseudonym of Miss Independent alias Miss I, the young Marketing Guru started her blog in late of 2012 and since made a name for herself and already soaring to greatness. She became the second youngest nominee among the 2014 Top 40 women under 40. She is the 22-year-old blogger who featured in this year’s list of top 40 women. Esther Kinuthia, was born in July the 13th, 1992 in Kenya.

Esther covered many topics such as being proactive, never being afraid to try and keeping an open mind. However, given that she’s an AIESEC Alumni, what really caught most of the AIESEC audience’s attention was how AIESEC helped her. She said it took her out of her comfort zone, it helped her learn to balance many things at once (not books on her head and fingertips obviously) but the tasks she needed to complete for AIESEC and more importantly, her school work. If anything, she’s an example to fellow AIESECers and non-AIESECers that you have to take up tasks and responsibility. Why you may ask? Because it’s one of the easiest ways to help yourself grow as an individual.

Overall, it was a wonderful talk by our very own and we thank our VP of Business Development, Edna Maritim and her team for making it happen.

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